Gelato 2 palli
Küsi tänast jäätiste valikut teenindajalt Inquire about today’s selection of ice creams with the server
Küsi tänast jäätiste valikut teenindajalt Inquire about today’s selection of ice creams with the server
Amici kananagitsad, friikartul, tomatikaste Amici chicken tenders, french fries, tomato sauce
Tomatikaste, mozzarella ja sink / kana / lõhe / terav salaami Tomato sauce, mozzarella and ham / chicken / salmon / spicy salami
Ricotta pannkoogid valge šokolaadi kastme ja värskete marjadega Ricotta pancakes with white chocolate sauce and fresh berries
Küsi tänast sorbeevalikut teenindajalt Inquire about today’s selection of sorbets with the server
Fior di latte, crudo sink, trühvel, grillitud kunigservik, värske basiilik, trühvliõli, Parmigiano reggiano Fior di latte, crudo ham, truffle, grilled oyster mushroom, fresh basil, truffle oil, Parmigiano reggiano
Tomatikaste, fior di latte, mereannid, küüslauk, tšilli, šhalottsibul, petersell, sidrun Tomato sauce, fior di latte, seafood, garlic, chili, shallot, onion, parsley, lemon